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          I want to start today off with a question, who here exercises for at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week. According to the American Heart Association that is actually the recommended amount of exercise per weeks nearly 80% of adult. Adults don’t meet this recommendation. This can potentially set themselves up for years of health problems later down the road. So as fitness professional, one of the most common things I hear is I don’t have time. So let me tell you guys something about time, every single one has 168 hours in a week. And I'm only asking for two and a half hours out of your week and for what to live a better life, a healthier life or even a longer life. These are all benefits that come with exercise.

                   Fitness is a lifestyle this is not a quick fix. This is something you have to incorporate into your daily regimen just like brushing teeth or taking a shower.

        So five main points want to share with you guys, today we all know that exercise is an important part of healthy lifestyle but what you may not know is just how important it is. So these benefits may include reducing serious health problems such as chronic diseases. It may boost your brain functions, so in a sense it can make you smarter, it can improve your mental and well as emotional health. and It make you more discipline as a person whether you’re in school or even at work and lastly it will make you more confident inside and out. so most people exercise because either a they want to lose weight they want to look better or they have health issues.

                 My first main point I want to talk to you guys today is how exercise can actually reduce health problems such as these chronic diseases like obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and the list goes on. I just mentioned it's a lot so without proper care prevention all of these diseases can actually be lethal. Over one-third of the population are actually considered obese, which can lead to many of these diseases. That I just mentioned before however this can all be prevented through proper nutrition and exercise. so when you exercise and make healthy food. Choices what happens to your body you will piton muscle making your joints and ligaments stronger. you would be less prone to injuries and you’ll look ten times better. you will also lose fat in places that you don’t want like your arms, your stomach, your legs,. Your love handles so not only do you lose fat on the outside you will lose fat on the inside. This is the fat that surrounds our organs and this is called visceral fat. Visceral fat can cause many of these chronic diseases listed above which can be lethal.

                            My second point I want to talk to you guys today is how exercise can actually make you smarter. so when you exercise your hearts going to pump more oxygen into your brain and throughout your body.  You have to make sure you are breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. so when you do that your brain and body release tons of hormones. This will provide a nourishing environment for the growth of new brain cells. it may also act as a first aid kit on damaged brain cells so in a sense it's kind of healing your mind. If you incorporate exercise into your daily regimen it will prepare you from mental stresses. That you encounter for the rest of the day. It will also increase the retention of your of new information improving your memory. And also giving better reactions to complex situations. So not only does exercise make you look better make you healthier and may also make you more productive.

       The third point is how exercise can actually improve your mental health. so it's not just about how far you can run or how much you can lift. Exercise can improve you mentally. As well it is vital for maintaining mental fitness. so studies show that exercise can actually treat depression anxiety and stress. just as well as medication without the side effects of course so here's why exercises so effective when it comes to these types of problems. changes will start to happen in your body, you will produce more endorphins which are hormones that make you feel good. it may also act as natural painkiller. it can improve your alertness and concentration. it will also improve your ability to sleep. so in sense it will help you relieve stress it can decrease overall levels of tension whether it's in your minor in your body it may help elevate your mood making you happier.

               Fourth point is discipline. with exercise comes all of those intrinsic health benefits that I mentioned earlier however in order to reap all these benefits you have to make sure that you are consistent as well as discipline. so most people want to be healthy and they want to live a long life right. so this doesn't happen by accident most of the healthiest and happiest people in the world all probably have one thing in common and that is discipline living. a healthy lifestyle takes consistency and discipline. so first of all you would have to plan your date accordingly you got to make sure you have enough time to incorporate exercise into your daily regimen. Whether it’s in the morning, in the afternoon or even at night.

My last point confidence. o there's nothing better than seeing your hard work pay off when you exercise. and you eat well you will start to see physical and mental changes happen throughout your body being happy with how you look is essential for confidence. when you feel good, when you look good, you will feel good. you want to be happy with yourself no matter where you are on your journey your mindset will become healthier. as well as more positive it's going to be easier for you to socialise with new people make new friends and possibly open doors to new opportunities. new opportunities and new connections may lead to new friendships. New relationships or even new careers. When you're confident this becomes contagious people would want to be around you they can feel this when more people around you this is the opportunity for you to inspire and motivate others. age is not number. age is not a factor, it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can start.

Fitness will change your lifestyle. Working out isn’t punishment, it's a blessing. Nutrition isn’t restrictive its healing health. Isn’t a one size fits all and may not look the same for everyone, but it is something worth fighting for so.
 Thank you


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